Nuestros Ministros de Esteban están listos para traer el amor y cuidado de Dios a sus vidas! Ellos te escucharán, tomarán cuidado de ti, te darán ánimo, rezarán contigo y por ti, y te proveerán con apoyo semanal por el tiempo que tu necesidad persista.
Si usted o alguien que usted conoce, se puede beneficiar del recibir cuidado de un Ministro de Esteban, al teléfono 301-229-7933.
Stephen Ministry is a one-to-one lay caring ministry to help those who are struggling with isolation, grief, stress, financial strain, and other life challenges.
Trained Stephen Ministers offer high-quality, confidential, Christ-centered care to people who are going through tough times
Our Stephen Ministers are ready to bring God’s love and care into your life! They will listen, care, encourage, pray with and for you, and provide weekly support for you as long as your need persists. Please see our flyer here.
If you are unable to meet face-to-face for health concerns or other reasons, we can support you with telephone calls, FaceTime, email, Zoom, etc.
If you or someone you know might benefit from receiving care from a Stephen Minister, please contact the parish office, 301-229-7933.